Bert the Salmon Earlier this year (see blog post) many organizations including Swedish Automotive contributed to and participated in the “Don’t Drip and Drive, Fix that Leak!” campaign. The campaign is officially over for this year, but there are still other ways to help Puget Sound and make Seattle a better place. Bert the Salmon has a great FaceBook page with links, resources, and opportunities to do just that. From these resources, we are delighted to discover that the city has loaner stencil kits and markers for labeling the storm drains in our neighborhoods and is looking for volunteers.
Storm Drain Stencil As posted on our city’s website, many of Seattle’s storm drains in our neighborhoods feed directly into the nearest stream, lake and/or Puget Sound as do any hazardous chemicals, pesticides, paints, antifreeze and used motor oil that enter storm drains. The Seattle Aquarium estimates more than 2 million gallons of used motor oil ends up in Puget Sound each year… enough to fill a medium-sized tanker! Just 1 pint of oil causes a slick the size of 2 football fields. Even small amount of oil can smother fish eggs and developing shellfish in our lakes and streams.
Storm Drain Marker